Modern Slavery Policy

RW Armstrong & Sons is committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery within our own business or supply chains. We understand modern slavery to include any acts of slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour, child labour or human trafficking and that it is often well hidden by the perpetrators with victims, if they perceive themselves as such, reluctant to come forward.
We aim to raise the relevant managers’ awareness and understanding of the modern slavery issue and ensure that there are clear guidelines about the appropriate action to take in response to any suspicion of, or identified act of, modern slavery.
Our commitment to preventing modern slavery includes the following control measures and procedures:
  • To identify which parts of our operations and supply chain, if any, are at risk of modern slavery and to undertake appropriate due diligence activities to ensure that we can confirm as far as is possible that modern slavery is not present.
  • To introduce supply chain questionnaires and to audit supplier websites to check what measures they have in place to ensure that all their products are responsibly sourced. We will never knowingly accept products from suppliers who exploit the people or natural resources within their environment.
  • To request that all sub-contractors confirm their commitment to following modern slavery policies and procedures before they are appointed.
  • To provide relevant information in site cabins and other workspaces about modern slavery, how it should be reported and what help is available.
  • To provide annual updates to relevant managers about our Modern Slavery statement and procedures including the latest advice and information from the CIOB about good practice.
  • To regularly review and monitor the effectiveness of our Modern Slavery statement, processes and procedures to ensure that any necessary improvements are made to help facilitate our commitment to a zero-tolerance approach.
  • To publish the Modern Slavery statement and annual revisions on the company website and intranet
  • To encourage employees and managers to understand their responsibility to be vigilant for all forms of modern slavery and to report any and all suspected concerns whether they be internal or external to the Company to their Line manager or the HR team for immediate investigation.
Our expectation of our workforce regardless of their employment status is that they understand and follow the requirements contained within this statement and maintain high standards of professional and ethical conduct in all their business relationships.